miércoles, 22 de julio de 2009


New music from my new group!



jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009


I am currently in the studio recording new material with my main man, Gorka Lasa. We met playing together in Diego Paqué's group and during band practices and soundchecks we realized we had some great material that when played together, sounded pretty fresh and new. We started to exchange ideas and finally, after about a year, are in the studio tracking this material.

It is an interesting mix of funk, jazz, traditional basque music, rumbas and latin. With his keyboards, my bass and our crazy lyrics we hope that the world will embrace us and hit the dance floor when we come to town!

We are recording three cuts (with the help of a great engineer, Iñaki Marconi) to make a demo and then will continue the process and hopefully release something by this summer. The first song is one written by me called, 'Barcelona'. It is a fun, funky, hip-hop vibration with lyrics about the good and the bad of this wild city.

The second is called 'Afuera'. It talks about the Cuban exile experience and has a great melodic quality that sticks in your head like peanut butter.

The third is a short song called 'Cuerda Rota'. It was originally written by Gorka as an improvisational piece in the event of a broken string at a Diego Paqué concert, but ended up sounding so good, we had to include it in this recording session.

We are working with some incredible musicians who are donating their time: Roger Serrahima (drums), Pol Sabata (percussion), Jose Maria (Junior) Cosialls (elec. guitar) and hopefully we will have time to bring in the strings of Josep Mascaró (violin).

I will be posting the music here and creating a Myspace page ASAP....

sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

A New Disc and a Return to The Source

I wanted to wait to talk about the recording of the new album until after we did the CD release party. This is because we had the party in the same space that we recorded! The place is called La Flama. It is an artists collective funded by the city hall fo Mataró (about 30 min north of Barcelona). They provided audio/video recording classes to young people in the city and we were one of their first full band projects. It was great to play there again as the energy is really positive and because of our participation in the education of their students, they were very appreciative to have us.

Both the audio and video for the two concerts were recorded. I am curious to compare the two and see how we have progressed and also what changes we could make to the live show to make it even more potent. Video reveals a lot of details that you do not capture on the audio and I am excited to see what we can improve on.

The biggest difference for me between the CD recording and the release party was that the recording their was a substitute percussionist, Robin Correa, and this time it was the usual suspect Pol Sabata (Pol was injured when we did the recording and for that reason does not play on the album). Pol and I interact better and I feel more comfortable with him on stage. Robin is a great player, but it is simply not the same.

I have to say that both nights the crowd was exuberant and supportive. We had them clapping, dancing, waving their hands and stomping their feet. Diego also has an incredible way of controling a crowd.

It will be intersting to see how the public react to this disc. Priliminary reviews have been good, but we are hoping that it can take us not only around Spain, but around Europe and hopefully back to Canada and the US!